I have found that the greatest teachers in my life were the ones that hurt me most.
It's been a long road of emotional roller-coaster for my family and how one wrong choice can have lasting consequences. It's one of the reasons why I've disappeared for a time but I know it's just a matter of time that things would work out.
I will not go into details, it's personal and not meant for public viewing but I share this because of
what I had discovered that was quite interesting and also disappointing.
It is that some people have to go to great lengths to put their integrity on the line in order to be right!
How ironic is that?
Integrity is standing for TRUTH!
It means doing the right thing even at the most inconvenient time.
Anyways... long story and no drama!
So I just need to start up my passion of blogging again.
I was thinking about how I said I would post up all my blogs in my new blogsite
Divalicious Diaries but everything was pushed once again. I really didn't want to put myself down. I have a project to finish during this new journey and I intend to do it.
So although it may not hurt anyone if I missed a day or two in my posts... the important thing is that I need to be true to myself and to live with integrity!
(YES...I'm quite tough on myself lately, I know...lol!)
Which brings up the topic of blogging!
A few people had asked me the question...
"What is The DARE DIVA?
What is it about?
I still don't get it?"
Well to be honest... it is a little puzzling even to me too! Lol! Lol!
But I heard a great quote from a friend...
"Whatever you are, Be a Good One!"
It's a great quote to live by and to keep your integrity in check.
That is what this journey is about!
It's the journey to finding out what the Dare Diva is all about.
She's the 'JANE of ALL TRADES and Master of ONE!
I sure would love to spend my time fulfilling that ONE thing!
The ONE thing that MATTERS MOST!
All in 90 Days!
And it will be all explained in my new blog through my somewhat info-taining stories
and a bit of Life-Coaching.
My husband knows how hesitant I've been in getting started again because I have some fears.YES that's right, even the DARE DIVA has FEARS!
But he keeps reminding me to find that DARE DIVA within and do it because I LOVE to do it for myself and not worry what others think.
I may not be heard or liked but perhaps there may be one person that can benefit from reading (if anyone is even reading at all..lol!) then I would've made a little difference!
You can now follow my journey and read my silly... DAILY DISH at my Divalicious Diaries blogsite or NOT...Lol!