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Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to get 200 FOLLOWERS in 4 Days!

OK so you've got a blog!

                          Soooo WHAT? 
                              Then WHAT? 
                                 WHO CARES? 
LOL, Those are the exact funny thoughts that ran through my mind.

Here I am killing time while I wait for my blog design to be completed!
 (great reason to procrastinate my blogging haha!)

Anyways, might as well share something that 
might be important to my new followers!  
(after all, that's what I'm here to do is share)
Time to share some 'Blog LOVE'...  

                                                     Are you READY?

Feb.19th, 2011 was the date I decided to blog again!

As you can see, there's really just 3 or 4 pages with content in this site 
since then!

Out of those 2 weeks, I put in 4 days to get 200 Followers
Generally, they say it takes '5yrs of Blogging to get 200 Followers.'
How did I do it?

What did I do to get 200 Follower in those 4 days?

That's about 50 Followers a Day. IF you keep doing it
you'll have 1000 Followers in no time!
My very first blog back in 2008, which was up for 3yrs (not much done on it) 
had only 4 followers! LOL!  (It's ok because I didn't really care then. I just blogged for therapeutical purposes.)

This time  I feel my blog will be worth sharing
so I decided to put some time into it.

The question is... IS Your BLOG worth sharing?
                               Could you use MORE Followers?
I've got ADD, I lack attention hehe... Who better to ask how 
to get BLOG attention than me right?

What I did was experimental and quite simple...
                               I have 3 Tips to Getting FOLLOWERS

And NOPE I'm NOT Selling it to you!
I am SHARING it with you!

There's no catch. Ok well there's just a favor. LOL!

You could FOLLOW Me here and while you're are it go ahead and smother me
with LUV and also subscribe to my FEEDS. (WOW that would be AWESOME!)

BUT Either one is good!
       I just ask to Return the LOVE!

       That's one of the 3 Tip is to RETURN THE LOVE!

So comment here if you'd like the article mailed to you.
NOTE: I only SHARE to those who LOVE Back! (Ok so it's conditional after all... LOL)
                 So go ahead...
                               Get more Followers!
       Comment Below and I'll RETURN the LOVE and Follow you also!
(Notice, this post will be up for a while until my site is well-done! And in the meantime, I'm still experimenting online so that I can SHARE more LUV with you guys!)

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  1. I'm interested in Sharing the LOVE!! i'm all about fun blogging and the more people I let in to my demented head, it seems like more fun!
    Nice to meet you!

  2. should probably also mention: thoughtsfromthismom.blogspot.com!
    Thanks again!

  3. Love it!

  4. Hi, I’m a new follower from Edge of Escape . Please stop by, I’d love to have your book-savvy opinion of my site, but even more I'd love to know your secrets for getting 200 followers in 4 days.
    bigpinelodge at gmail dot com

  5. I'm a new follower as well, would love to get some good bloggy tips:0

  6. Hi Rose. Cute, cute blog you have! I'd love to get the followers email from you!! I'm already a follower of yours so I'll try to catch your feeds too. Thanks :) TheMcMommyDiaries (at) gmail (dot) com

  7. Hi thanks for following my blog. I am now a follower of yours and would love any tips you have to share. Look forward to reading more from you.

  8. Hey I followed you yesterday and would LOVE to know your secret!! :D

  9. I would love to know, I am following you and subscribing! www.mooseandtater.com surrosarah{at}gmail{dot}com

  10. I'm just about ready to send out the emails.
    I'm wondering if there's an easier way instead of sending it out one by one!
    Please try it out and kindly give me feedbacks and good luck!

  11. Awesome plan ;)

    I'm following.

  12. I'm all about sharing ~ sending LOVE! :)
    You can follow back if you'd like at www.dorothymcfadden.blogspot.com

  13. I started following from bloggymoms but would love to know the secret!


  14. hi, I love the colors of your blog!
    Alison from mombloggersclub

  15. i'm very excited to see your site when it's ready to go!

  16. Hi there. Newest follower. Would love for you to check out my site and follow back! Thanks!

  17. OK I am game! http://tawnasplan.blogspot.com is my blog and
    tawna6988@gmail.com is my e-mail

  18. ALmost there, i know blogger doesn't have auto-responder so I gotta find a better way LOL!
    Dang it, maybe i should just post it up somewhere.

  19. I would love to Share the Love! What your secret??!! LOL Thanks for sharing with us.

  20. I would like to Share the Love!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. It would probably be easier to post it as a page than to send out all these emails, just sayin. ;). Oh btw thanks for the return follow! Much appreciated! Sorry for the deleted comment.

  23. Hi there! I'm your newest follower from Social Moms! You commented to me there and followed my blog so I'm returning the favor and I'd LOVE to hear your article on how to gain more followers. I'm so overwhelmed by social moms at the moment so I'm sorry this took me so long:)


  24. Nice to meet you on Bloggy Moms! My sister and I just started our new personal blog, and we could use some followers... http://www.mommy.ladyclub.blogspot.com. We have a business together called LaDy LaDuke, but want to have this blog as our non-business/fun blog. We're still working on it too!
    Thanks! Courtney~Mommy LaDy Club

  25. Thanks. I love what I see and what have read.
    It was nice of you to encourage us. We look forward to more exciting things you and the ladies Here on darediva have in store.


  26. Ok ladies, I've decided to open up a separate page in which I will post up my Secrets. But if you don't get any invite, pls. feel free to email me your addy or leave a comment here.
    We gotta do this manually until my designer puts up my email icon which should be soon but meanwhile, here's my email: rosealtares at gmail dot com

  27. Thanks for following me Rose. Following you back. I'd love to know you secret to get 200 followers in 4 days! :) I'll send you an e-mail.


  28. Thanks for following my blog at www.fwmomtalk.blogspot.com from bloggymoms! This is me just returning the love! :) Looking forward to being blog friends! Thanks!!!

  29. I am stopping by from Bloggy Moms to say hello and happy Friday!



  30. Nice! You are now being followed! haha! :)

  31. Thanks for the follow, I left a comment for you on bloggymoms, but I would love your three tips....kathsperd (at) hotmail (dot) com

  32. Thanks for the follow! I am following you now and love your unique ideas.


  33. Hi...spreading luv your way! Thanks for the follow! I'm a new follower (FB) and I luv your site!

  34. thanks for the advice; crossing my fingers it works for me. so i'm folling you and like on FB
    here's my links there are really blogs i think! ;)
    thanks again, pam b.

  35. Already following you but wanted you to know I love the advice you give.
    I always follow back. I believe in sharing the blog love!

  36. I sent many of you the email invite for the private page. It's called welcomingbutterflies
    and all the tips. If you didn't get anything from me, it's because I don't have your email.
    So pls. email me at rosealtares at gmail dot com

  37. New follower from MBC

    You can find me here~


    And~I would love to learn how you did it too!

    deb55106@ gmail.com

  38. I am your newest follower,please follow back at:
    http://mysisterismy bestfriend.blogspot.com


  39. Already a follower ... but always in the mood for good advice. And the fact that you're not trying to sell me anything already warms the cockles of my cheap ... um, frugal ... little heart . . .

  40. oh wow those first 3 questions are exactly what people i know said about my decision to blog: so what?!! who cares!?? Do people even read your stuff?
    And at first I came into blogging just wanting to keep a little diary thing for my son, but now I feel that it would be so nice to just connect with others. and so having some followers would be nice =)I really want to know how you did it girl???

  41. IM Game!! and Im following you!!!.. Id say follow me back but you already are!! hee hee!!! Those of you that arent following me though can head on over to mamaof3cuties.blogspot.com and follow me.. ill follow back promise!!!

  42. oh my email address is mamaof3cuties2010@gmail.com

  43. I am your newest follow, please return the favor!

  44. Hello Rose, I love your cute blog. I am getting a blog make over. I am following you. Please return the love back at http://www.jylasthreeofusgiveaway.org.


  45. Hi Rose! Your blog is so cute and Spring-like. Love it, especially on a dreary day like today. I'm spreading some love and following your blog via GFC. I just started my blog on March 1, 2011. Hope you will drop by and follow me. I'd love to read any comments, suggestions or ideas you have. Thanks!
    Janet @ KY Klips Blog

  46. I'm interested! I love blogging and meeting other "friends" through blogging!

  47. I'm very interested!!!

  48. Love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine and following. I am returning the favor by following you and subscribing to your feeds. I love the whole concept of showing each other love and following each others blogs!!
